23 research outputs found

    Geodetic Monitoring of the Retaining Wall SO233 on the Frýdek-Místek Bypass

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    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá geodetickým monitoringem za účelem zjištění pohybů a deformací staveb, vzniku těchto jevů, a hlavně jejich zaměřením a vyhodnocením. V první části práce jsou teoreticky popsány úskalí měření pohybů a deformací. V druhé části se jedná o aplikaci a využití na konkrétním stavebním objektu. Pro měření svislých pohybů byla zvolena metoda přesné nivelace. Byl použit nivelační přístroj Leica LS10 0,3 mm v kombinací s invarovou kódovanou latí o délce 3 m. Největší naměřený pokles se vyskytuje přibližně uprostřed zdi, kde byl naměřen celkový pokles 12 mm. Sledování vodorovných pohybů bylo realizováno polární metodou z přechodného stanoviska. Na základech rozborů přesnosti byla vhodně vybrána totální stanice Leica TS16 1". Dosažená přesnost měření byla rozborem přesnosti stanovena na ∅σ_x = ̇1,5 mm a ∅σ_y = ̇2,5 mm v jednotlivých souřadnicových osách. Po rozšíření koeficientem spolehlivosti U_P=2 byla stanovena mezní směrodatná odchylka metody na δ_x=3 mm a δ_y=5 mm. Největší zjištěný vodorovný pohyb v příčném i podélném směru dosahoval velikosti 3 mm. Naměřené hodnoty při sledování opěrné zdi nepřesahují stanovené meze, a můžeme tedy říci, že tyto naměřené pohyby a deformace nemají vliv na stabilitu, funkci nebo bezpečnost opěrné zdi SO 233.The submitted master thesis deals with geodetic monitoring in order to determine the movements and deformations of buildings, the occurrence of these phenomena, and especially their focus and evaluation. The first part of the thesis theoretically describes the pitfalls of measuring movements and deformations. The second part deals with the application and use on a specific building. The method of precise leveling was chosen to measure vertical movements. A Leica LS10 0.3 mm leveling instrument was used in combination with an invar coded bar with a length of 3 m. The largest measured drop occurs approximately in the middle of the wall, where a total drop of 12 mm was measured. Monitoring of horizontal movements was performed by the polar method from a transient standpoint. The Leica TS16 1" total station was appropriately selected on the basis of accuracy analyzes. The achieved measurement accuracy was determined to be ∅σ_x = ̇1,5 mm and ∅σ_y = ̇2,5 mm in the individual coordinate axes. After extension by the reliability coefficient U_P=2, the limit standard deviation of the method was set to δ_x=3 mm and δ_y=5 mm. The largest detected horizontal movement in the transverse and longitudinal direction reached a size of 3 mm. The measured values when monitoring the retaining wall do not exceed the specified limits, and we can therefore say that these measured movements and deformations do not affect the stability, function or safety of the retaining wall SO 233.544 - Katedra geodézie a důlního měřictvívýborn

    Quality Management in the Company XYZ

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    Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na efektivní řízení ekonomiky kvality v mezinárodním podniku působícím v České republice, věnuje se standardnímu i modernímu pojetí řízení ekonomiky kvality a teoretické podstatě řízení nákladů souvisejících s kvalitou. Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je definování, výběr a implementace optimálního modelu monitorování nákladů souvisejících s kvalitou, pro konkrétní společnost. V rámci implementace vybraného modelu monitorování, před započetím samotné realizace, bude zpracován projektový plán, včetně detailní analýzy rizik náležících jednotlivým fázím realizace projektu. Dalším krokem v aplikaci projektu, bude definování příslušných nákladových položek, které budou v následné fázi vyhodnoceny a optimalizovány.This master´s thesis is focused on efficient control of quality economy in an international company operating in the Czech Republic. It relates to standard and modern concept of quality economy management and theoretical basis of cost management related to quality. The purpose of this thesis is to define, choose and implement the best model of monitoring quality related costs. As a part of the implementation phase of the chosen model, project plan including risk analyses which belongs to individual project's phases will be created, cost related actions defined and in the next phase evaluated and optimized.

    Handling of Meat and Bone Meal

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    Import 04/07/2011Bakalářská práce je věnována problematice nakládání s masokostní moučkou. V práci je popsána historie nakládání s vedlejšími živočišnými materiály, technologie výroby masokostní moučky a její využití. Zabývá se problémem, proč je masokostní moučka nebezpečný odpad. Masokostní moučka je známa už od počátku 20. století. Vyrábí se ve veterinárních asanačních ústavech z vedlejších živočišných produktů. Současné využití masokostní moučky je mnohostranné. V zemědělství se používá ke krmení, hnojení a kompostování. Je surovinou pro bioplynové stanice, palivem při spalování v cementářských pecích.The bachelor thesis is devoted to the problems of handling meat and bone meal. The thesis describes the history of waste animal by-product handling, production technology of meat and bone meal and its use. It deals with the problems why meat and bone meal is hazardous waste. Meat and bone meal has been known since the beginning of the 20th century. It is produced from animal by-products in veterinary rehabilitation institutes. Current use of meat and bone meal is versatile. In agriculture it is used for feed, fertilization and composting. It is a raw material for biogas stations and/or fuel cement furnaces.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn

    Design of an internet of things based real-time monitoring system for retired patients

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    The main aim of this article is to design a monitoring center for collecting and evaluating the physiological function of retired patients in nursing homes. The system should be able to collect the information of body heat, heart rate, blood oxygen, orientation, and sleep time in the form of the little bracelet. The evaluating part of the system with the program can be placed into personal computer (PC) which can provide a user-friendly interface and easy managing. The program can display all needed information of the patient from previous days or months in the form of the graphs and the nursing person can have the view of the patient´s physiological health. The evaluation and the collection of the data from each patient are done only on the card and the computer is only a device for live-view and managing. In case of the power failure, the monitoring system will be still operating normally due to the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) in the form of the battery. It means that the system will operate even if the PC is powered off. The system also has several external communication interfaces like wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), ethernet, and general packet radio service (GPRS) which provides an external connection. © 2021, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.IGA/CebiaTech/2020/003; Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT: LO1303, MSMT-7778/2014; European Regional Development Fund, ERDF: CEBIA-Tech ED2.1.00/03.008

    Blanket Restrictive Measures in the Czech Republic During the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Trade-Off Concept Application

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    In early 2020, many widespread restrictive measures were introduced worldwide in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These measures entailed high socio-economic costs, which have been largely overlooked due to political motivations and the difficulty of their measurement. One of them is the negative impact of widespread restrictive measures on life expectancy due to the limited school attendance and the negative impact of restrictions on the population's health status. In this paper, we use our own structural model based on the trade-off analysis method. The research compares the lost years of life in the situation of the existence of restrictive measures and, on the contrary, the situation of a complete absence of these measures. We use data from the Czech Republic between February 2020 and October 2021. Our article concludes that the number of lost years of life is many times higher when widespread restrictive measures are implemented in all considered scenarios. These findings should be considered when making further decisions on applying widespread restrictive measures in the Czech Republic


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    This paper deals with the effect of ecological energy carrier on flow characteristics of a hydraulic pump. A hydraulic oil MOL Farm UTTO Synt was used as an ecological energy carrier. After completing 900 engine hours, the flow efficiency of the hydraulic pump decreased by Δηpr = 1.197 %. Oil samples were taken from the agricultural tractor Zetor Forterra 114 41. These samples were subjected to an IR spectroscopy analysis in an accredited laboratory WearCheck, Hungary. The following oil properties were examined: kinematic viscosity at 40 °C, viscosity index, silicium and ferrum content

    ZnO/Cu2O heterojunctions treated glass surface for photocatalytic and self-cleaning applications

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    Here we report the synthesis route for glass surface functionalization by ZnO nanorods and nanowires-based Cu2O heterojunction. In the first step, ZnO elongated structures were grown on a seeded substrate following the classic hydrothermal method, and their thickness can be controlled by polyethyleneimine (PEI) concentration. In the second step, ZnO/Cu2O heterojunctions were fabricated by immersion of ZnO-grown substrate upside-down into the copper sulfate solution with glucose as a reducing agent. After characterization of prepared ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction by SEM, TEM, and XRD, its application capability for waste-water treatment was successfully demonstrated on Estriol (E3) hormone degradation under UV light by using a continuous Drip Flow Biofilm Reactor. Furthermore, functionalized glasses were shown to be effective for designing self-cleaning surfaces. The photocatalytic-induced self-cleaning ability was demonstrated by resazurin-based smart ink and tert-butyl alcohol-based methylene blue ink. © 2023 TANGER Ltd., Ostrava.Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT: LTT20010, RP/CPS/2022/00

    XXV. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách

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    Title in English: 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences: Conference proceedings The conference proceedings consists of papers presented at the 25th International Colloquium on Regional Sciences that was organized by Department of Regional Economics and Administration FEA MU. It contains 57 articles arranged by topic. The individual articles deal with e.g. socioeconomic disparities among regions, regional policy, territory attractiveness, tourism, or regional public administration